Kada se približi sezona božićnih i novogodišnjih praznika Crna Kornjača vam priprema pravu prazničnu poslasticu. U pitanju je pivo inspirisano čuvenim belgijskim začinjenim pivima, pripremljeno po našim receptima uz dodatak cimeta, anisa i kore od pomorandži. Bronzano narandžaste je boje, veoma pitko, karakterističnog osvežavajućeg ukusa.
ALC: 5% | EXT: 11.8% | IBU: 24 | EBC: 14
New Year's Brew
When the holiday season is drawing near The Black Turtle prepares a nice treat for you. It’s a brew inspired inspired by the famous belgian spiced beers, brewed by our own recepie with addition of cinamon, anis and slices of oranges. It’s bronse-orange color, very smooth and has unique refreshing taste with an alcohol precentage not above 5%.
ALC: 5% | EXT: 11.8% | IBU: 24 | EBC: 14